Sunday, June 3, 2007

Growing pains!

I can't be getting older, but my kids are!

My baby is 10 today! It seems like yesterday he showed up as a "surprise blessing" to our family. We had a party for him yesterday with 7 other boys, mostly from the neighborhood. Hubby took them to the pool while I prepared the deck, putting up umbrellas and chairs, and cooked pizza for them. They had a blast, and I got to visit with an old friend, as her "later in life" baby was one of the birthday guests. We also had a blessing in the way of weather, having had a storm the night before. It was clear all Saturday, and then it came a pretty good rain on Sunday morning. Clear is nice for a pool party!

My older son is in Juarez, Mexico, for a week of service with Amor Ministries and our youth group. This time, he's one of the adults! They are building married student housing for a seminary. This will be a change from previous trips. Usually they build individual houses. He is on the advance team for the first time. They go a day early and set up the huge sleeping and dining tents at the camping area.

Yesterday evening my daughter and her boyfriend came over for burgers, which we ate on the deck. Other than flies, it was a nice meal. Wow, entertaining twice in one day! It was fun!

Today I had the privilege of singing with my daughter on the worship team. We were just the backup singers, but it was fun to harmonize with her. It's always fun to work with the other musicians, too. We are so blessed with talent at our church. It's a privilege to be included now and then!

We are enjoying the new wheels! We got a green 2006 Mitsubishi Outlander -- the newest car we've had since shortly before my 2nd child was born -- the one that just graduated high school. It's a great "mom mobile". Hubby says its a sports car in SUV clothing as it is quite peppy, has a nice, tight suspension, and holds the curves well.

For those following the dental saga, I called the original pedi dentist back. I gave him info he didn't have, and he explained that seeing an endodontist would still be helpful. I had thought originally that the endo would only want to do crowns. But the pedi wants his opinion about the need for root canals, as well as crowns vs. fillings or onlays. I haven't called for an appointment yet, but I will soon.

Tomorrow I'm going for an exam that is preliminary to my inclusion in a study on type 2 diabetes. It will be interesting to see what they'll have me do. I know I'll have to track my blood sugars more closely than I do now, but that will be a good thing -- especially if they cover the cost of the test strips! They will cover the meds and will probably offer some travel reimbursement as well. It's a bit of a drive away, at St. Paul Medical Center. (Of course, my having this condition has NOTHING to do with aging!)

Isn't it fascinating how God takes us through various stages in life. And just when we think we have life figured out, it changes! That forces us to grow and to depend on God for wisdom and guidance. Our family is going through changes, and so is our church. But along with changes come new opportunities that wouldn't have been possible before! We may have to go through "growing pains", but they are necessary for our maturity.
Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
-- Ephesians 4:14-16

1 comment:

Schweers' Mom said...

Sounds like a really nice weekend!

Let me know if you need diabetes info or supplies. I just might have a few extras around that we don't need.

We were thinking about a used Outlander, too. I agree with Mark - a sports car in SUV clothing! It does look like a great Mom Mobile!