Friday, June 8, 2007

Doctor, it hurts when I do this...

I'm heading for the doc today to see if I'm crazy, old, or treatable. Sometimes I just think I'm crazy! (OK, I KNOW I am!) And I do know I'm getting older. But I'm hoping he will take me seriously and investigate why I'm always tired. I don't want "Hee Haw" medicine:
Patient: "Doctor, it hurts when I do this."
(Doctor hits patient.)
Doctor: "Then don't do that!"
If this doc won't investigate, I'll find someone who will. It's been going on too long to be "just me". And it would be nice to figure out what the mystery aches and pains are. I'll keep you posted...

Front door update
Juan came over again this morning. I'm glad he feels at home here! Half the time when John is here, he just knocks and comes in.

It seems that the mother may have overdosed on painkillers she was taking for her ankles (intentional or unintentional?). She was due for surgery on them soon. The dad has serious back problems (Juan said "a broken back") and cannot work. The sons are moving in with relatives, and the dad will probably find someplace else to live. He probably cannot afford payments/rent without her income.

My heart hurts for them! It makes my aches & pains seem so trivial.

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