Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Chase ended, new decisions

After further research, I decided we would be best not to get the model of phantom vehicle we drove 100 miles round trip to see. I found another model that got much better customer reviews, and we drove over to Plano to check it out. I loved it, hubby approved, and we signed the initial papers. Although our financing isn't finalized (they are trying to beat the prearranged offer we brought in), after a $500 deposit, they let us take the vehicle home for the night.

Of course, I'm going through the usual doubting you get whenever you make a major deal like that. At least it's a big deal for MY family! Is it the right vehicle? Is the ride TOO stiff and bumpy? And most importantly, we will be able to make the payments?! It does give me incentive to manage my work time better! And we HAD to have another functioning vehicle.

Also, I got a call this morning from my son's dentist. My son's 6-year molars are in bad shape. The dentist thought it might be best to just pull them, hopefully to be replaced by the 12-year molars in position, which would in turn be replaced by the wisdom teeth. I went to see the orthodontist, as recommended, who said he thought the teeth roots were healthy, but said if the dentist said they needed to come out, they could come out without too much trouble. He did say it was a long-term gamble as the wisdom teeth aren't too predictable. However, my dentist didn't act like he had any information from the ortho when he called me. Which is strange, considering the ortho shares office space one day a week and they said they were writing up notes to leave for him.

Now the dilemma -- to take him to an endo, who will probably say to save the teeth at all cost? Now, I don't want to mess around with my child's mouth, but we don't have the money (especially with a new car) for four crowns now, which will need replacement later as they wear out. The alternative is to ask the dentist if he will just pull them anyway, or to seek a second opinion. Ahhhhhhhhhh! I hate tough decisions!


Schweers' Mom said...

I think I would get a 2nd opinion. We did use a pediatric dentist who was very aggressive in wanting to pull teeth that really didn't need to be pulled. But it netted her a nice profit. So we switched our sons to a family dentist who is very conservative.

ANY car is a big decision. It's a lot of money and an investment that really isn't an "investment." Car buying - yuck!

cookiehawk77 said...

My problem is affording the conservative work!

Heidi Day said...

We have an awesome, well-informed dentist that can give you an opinion. I wouldn't do crowns. We have had so many problems with my kid's teeth due to the incompetance of a pediatric dentist in Flower Mound. All is well now, but I think I speak from experience. Anyway, call me and I will give you name/number.
Heidi 972-317-2515

Schweers' Mom said...

Is there a possibility of going to the dental school at Baylor? I know it's a long haul, but I have heard that their rates are reasonable. Just a thought.

Heidi - wonder if we are talking about the same pedi dentist?