Monday, May 21, 2007

His will, His time, His way

That's become my motto of late. God has been echoing this message through the people around me.

Pastor Mike taught on the raising of Lazarus on Sunday and how Jesus delayed his coming until after Lazarus died that God might be glorified through the resurrection. Of course, on Jesus's arrival, Mary and Martha didn't quite see it that way.

My friend Lori shared how that same story and that same point had jumped out and grabbed her (so to speak) just a couple of weeks back.

My missionary friend Robyn shared with a group of friends how God has put her in a role Germany that is so different from what she thought she would be doing when she first signed on with Greater European Missions. She also had to wait three years to get to the mission field, facing obstacle after obstacle. During this time her position with GEM changed and her children were prepared for her departure.

It is hard to trust God and not lean on our own understanding. To wait on him for the perfect timing. To see his hand in the midst of tragedies.

As my wise friend, Lori, observed, he walks with us through the tragedies and weeps with us. I must remember that his timing and methods are for His greater glory and for our greater maturity -- even if we never understand the whys of His will, His time, His way. The best way!


Schweers' Mom said...

Won't it be really cool in heaven when we can look back on this life and see how all the pieces fit together even though from our current perspective it might look like a jumble?

cookiehawk77 said...

I can't wait!

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

Yes, His will - have you read cheri's blog on understanding abiding in Him? She is on my list as journey friend in US...
I'm praying for you