Friday, May 25, 2007

Life is fragile

It is easy for us to take life for granted. We assume there will always be a next year, a next week, a tomorrow, a next breath. But there are no guarantees.

A friend's sister is in the hospital dying of cancer. The doctors have guessed that she has hours left. She was diagnosed in the fall and has steadily gone downhill since.

Fifteen years ago, I watched my mother slowly decline in health. However, I had small children, so I couldn't spend as much time with her as I would have liked. And we didn't know how close she was to death, so she at the hospital without any family present when she passed from this life to the next.

Watching a loved one suffer makes us feel so helpless and powerless. We would give anything to take away the pain or anxiety or suffering. But all we can do is watch and pray and encourage the best we can. And remember that life is fragile and today is a gift.

When a close friend lost her 3-year-old to a sudden illness, God gave me a song. I'll share the chorus with you:

Give them your best today, together at work or play.
Sing to them of the Lord, tell them stories from His Word.
Give them your best today. Don't let the time slip away!
We know not what tomorrow holds, so give them your best today.

Today is a gift, not a promise. What are you doing with your day? How are you investing your time in those you love? In those who need to hear of God's love and Christ's provision? In communing with your God and Creator?

Carpe diem.

1 comment:

Julie said...

That song makes me cry every time I hear it.