Friday, May 11, 2007


As I read the blogs of others, I see such depth and wisdom. I don't know if I can come up with such nuggets of wisdom and insight. But I can offer you the crumbs of insight with which God has blessed me!

My husband and I are on a journey of pursuing a career in missions. This desire began 12 years ago, and we are just now able to begin actively pursing it. We are meeting with some of our home church leaders for development and training, and we'll be beginning an online course in global missions this summer. Please pray that God would guide us, opening and closing doors according to His will. That's where we truly want to be -- in His will, wherever that may be!

We have three children -- well, two adults and one child. My daughter is working on her associates at a community college, after which she wants to pursue a degree in German. My older son is graduating high school this year and is planning to enlist in the Air Force at some point. My younger son is doing his best to avoid anything that looks like work!

I'm working from home doing medical transcription and homeschooling the boys, and my husband is heading up computer installations in public schools. Kind of ironic, huh? My main struggle right now is discipline and time management. I'm sure you all have that one down pat!

As we continue on our journey following Christ wherever He leads, each day is a new beginning. I pray that your new beginnings today will be blessed with the strength of the Christ's Spirit!

1 comment:

Schweers' Mom said...

I'm so glad you started blogging! I have enjoyed your first few posts which I found to be insightful and more than just crumbs. Keep writing, Cookiehawk!