Tuesday, August 14, 2007


This afternoon, I headed off on what I thought would be a relatively quick errand. At least as quick as any errand to Plano and back. I headed off merrily down I-35E toward Lewisville. However, before I got to the lake bridge, the traffic slowed to a crawl. I took the first exit, knowing a few back roads, and it still took me about an hour to clear Lewisville. All this time, I still had no idea what the holdup was.

As I drove toward my destination, I tuned in a radio station to see if I could find the source of the traffic snarl. As it turns out, there was an 18-wheeler that overturned and caught fire. For a while, it had traffic tied up in four directions -- the highway and the cross street.

On my way home, I took the "scenic route", which was several miles out of my way. As it turned out, my daughter came home shortly after I did. Having traveled that way, she said there was only a little "onlooker delay" on her side of the road.

After I got home, I realized my errand, which should have taken about an hour and a half, ended up taking over three hours. That put me behind in my work and made me a bit frustrated over the inconvenience to my day.

My hubby had to work late tonight. When he passed the location around 9:30 p.m., they were trying to upright the 18-wheeler and remove it from the road. He said it was in the center lane right at the overpass where the street went over the highway. I can see why it had traffic so snarled. I'm sure with a flaming truck underneath, they wouldn't want traffic on the overpass. Or the opposite side of the freeway. Or the service road.

As my little son listened in, he made a comment that put things in perspective: "I hope the driver got out alright."

The Dallas Morning News reported that the truck overturned trying to avoid hitting a Toyota carrying four adults and an infant. The truck driver managed to get out of the cab before it caught fire. The Lewisville Fire Chief said that none of the injuries were thought to be life-threatening.

And I thought I was inconvenienced!


jlester01 said...

Thanks for the pics and the update. We were at Sun Valley pool yesterday behind LHS and saw the smoke...

Kathy said...

Scary stuff! Another reason why we need another route across the lake. On this end of the metroplex when I-35 is snarled up, there are few choices to get where you need to go!

I'm glad the driver and car occupants were okay!

Schweers' Mom said...

I wondered why 407 and Dixon (another side street nearby) were so congested. I figured something was up on 35 (or down and flaming). Kathy's right - we do need some more alternate routes over the lake. What a nightmare!

GramCrackers said...

Sometimes I have to see the wreck to remember that someone is having a much worse day than I am. And surely there are a lot of virtual wrecks in people's lives that would make me much more patient if I could see them. I'm glad the driver of the truck and those around the accident were all ok. Amazing to find out, considering the inferno going on there.