Saturday, October 18, 2008

Back to the Daily Grind

I enjoyed one day off for Columbus Day, then it was back to work! I like working with the students, but it can be frustrating at times. Our system requires the students to sit still and be quiet most of the day, which is hard for anyone. It's even harder for some -- like students with ADHD. I have a couple of those. I've been moving them around and trying different strategies to keep things under control in the classroom. I'll let you know if I find something that works!

We're trying to make some lifestyle changes to help retire the debts faster. There is only so much you can change, so we'll have to wait and see how quickly the debt diminishes. We thought we could sell our cars to get out from under the loan payments, but we're a bit upside down in both car loans. Our friends at Financial Peace said we should call Dave Ramsey's radio show and ask him what would be the best way to handle the cars. I don't know if we're THAT bold!

My hubby was off all week. It was nice to have him home. He worked very hard, though -- no sitting around (or not much). He cleaned the living room, cooked dinner daily, and painted the exterior of the house, except for the trim. My older son helped with the house painting. I'll be sad to see him go back to work. I'm sure he will be sad, too! But we have to keep the income flowing -- preferably with a bit of overtime added to the check!


Carolyn0107 said...

I love your blog. I notice on your Cluster map that you have a dot for Nigeria. When I tried to put one of those on my blog it put me as from Nigeria and that is not where I live. Unless you know someone from Nigeria who checks your blog, it's probably my dot there!
Have a great day!

Heidi Day said...

You can call the main number and get a some advice from someone who will call you back and do a conference call with you and your husband. We did this with some questions we had about a year ago and it was fantastic advice. They really want to help!