Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The traveler returns

My international traveler arrived home safely! They ended up missing their connection in Houston, and the "regular" flight later had been canceled. So they ended up on an "express" flight (express = tiny plane) that arrived at Love Field, rather than DFW. She had to check her pilot case because of lack of carry-on space. Fortunately, the enclosed glassware survived the baggage handlers! The rest of the luggage went with the original flight to DFW, since they found they had missed their connection AFTER it was rechecked. But they made it home safely and had a very successful trip.

The missionaries thought they would only be able to complete about half the project since they were such a small team and mostly girls! Ha! After a quick demonstration, the girls mastered the use of power tools. By the end of the first day, they had all the pieces cut and had one set assembled. By the end of their time there, they had finished assembling all the bunk beds and left the varnish on the last set drying! They also had some down time to enjoy a hot springs area and do some shopping. And I know they were such an encouragement to the missionaries!

It was a bit of a surprise to them to see how COLD this tropical area was! But mountainous wins out over tropical! And the showers were a bit shocking -- literally. To warm the water, they heat the shower heads with an electrical heater with exposed wires and a switch IN THE SHOWER! They got quite a buzz out of it on multiple occasions. Sounds like they need to work on wire insulation, conduit use, and grounding. Or switch to an in-line propane heater.

Although sad to have missed the trip to Grandma's, she was extremely glad to be a part of this trip. Thanks to all who supported her with prayer and finances. When she gets her luggage, we'll see the pictures & goodies she brought home!


Schweers' Mom said...

Glad she made it home! Sounds exciting!

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

sounds all are back in the saddle again :-)

Heidi Day said...

Carol, does your daughter still work at the vet's clinic? We are looking for a free kitten and I just wanted to let her know in case she heard of any,

Heidi :-)