I'm a member of a website called SparkPeople. Its purpose is to provide tools and encouragement for losing weight and adopting a healthier lifestyle. They encourage you to join teams and read and post on the forums for your team. They even give you points for doing so. (Isn't amazing what people will do for "points"? They only earn you a trophy icon on the site!)
I belong to several SparkTeams: Christian Homeschooler's Healthy Living, Christian Missionary Moms, Conservative Christian Women, Thyroid Community, Medical Transcription, and Managing Diabetes (which I recently dropped). Through them all, I have met some great people and have found and given encouragement. Being a Christian and all, I assumed I would have the most in common and get the most encouragement from the Christian teams. Sometimes, though, I get more support from the other teams -- those who share health issues or job-related challenges with me.
I've also found that, in general, you get out what you put in. It would be easy to "hide" and just read other people's posts. But by openly sharing about myself and my own struggles, I have been encouraged by others and have been able to encourage others.
I wish I could say I've made rapid strides in weight loss. It's a slow process, and one that depends on my compliance. But I've learned a lot. About the diseases I struggle with and how other peoples struggles are just like mine -- I'm not alone! About the time management struggles I face, particularly from working at home -- once again, not alone there! About the struggles and challenges Missionary Moms face, and that they are just people too!
I've been thinking about how SparkPeople mirrors life. I've learned some things about that, too. Our support and encouragement often comes from unexpected places. We get more when we give more. Risky as it is, being transparent can be beneficial. Everybody needs encouragement.
I've also been thinking about my role in the body. Am I supporting and encouraging others? Am I giving or only seeking to get my needs met? Am I trying to draw in those who "hide"? Am I transparent? Am I open to let God use me in unexpected ways and settings? Am I a "spark" to energize or to destroy?
Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. -- James 3:5
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. -- Matthew 5:14-16
What kind of spark are you?
How can I encourage you today?