Saturday, February 9, 2008


Lunch only takes up 3/4 of my day now! Occasionally I get caught up. Frequently I get interrupted! Oh, the life of a school secretary.

I haven't heard from my previous project manager. Some days I'd take that job in a heartbeat. Others, I'm glad I'm at the school. I love the folks I work with -- at least most of them!

We're slowly making progress on the finances. Hopefully, March will be a little better. I'm also reading through a book a friend loaned me -- "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey.

Mark is making progress on his Agape Flights application. In his defense, it is lengthy. I also saw online that another organization, Baptist Haiti Mission, needs a computer tech. Hmm...

We did the precooking today for Mission Meal today. The proceeds will go toward the Russia Team, who are providing most of the labor as well. The menu is barbecue brisket, baked beans, cole slaw and chocolate cake. Yummy!

BTW, the Russia Team is going to visit a sister church in Tula, about 100 miles south of Moscow. They will be doing a marriage conference, English classes, VBS for kids, computer classes and visiting in church member homes. My daughter is on the team. My hubby and I were, too, but we had to drop off due to work conflicts.

We brought home a bunch of fat trimmed off the brisket they are cooking for tomorrow's meal. My hubby is cutting off any meat and rendering the fat so we can use it to make soap. I've thought about making soap for a long time but just haven't done it yet. Our next step is to obtain a source for lye! Then we get to try our hand at it!

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