Monday, October 22, 2007

Coming up for air

I chatted with a friend the other day. She quoted her daughter, who is a nurse, as saying something like this: "In this case, breathing is a medical necessity."

That's how I've been feeling lately. Breathing has been taking up way too much of my conscious thought. Frankly, I prefer it to be a subconscious, involuntary action. Unfortunately, I've resurrected my nebulizer, complete with medicine that's not out-of-date. And I'm hitting the cough medicine as well.

We survived the tooth extractions. Actually, he did quite well -- once he stopped throwing up. I won't go into detail lest my squeamish readers turn even greener. He didn't have much pain other than a nasty headache and tolerated his soft diet pretty well. Today was the follow-up visit, and the doc said it looked fine.

I'm still battling schoolwork with my son. If he doesn't want to do it, he just doesn't. Regardless of the privileges withheld. Regardless of the pain inflicted. Regardless of the carrots dangled. I wish I could find the right motivator. Today, I withheld food until he was finished. We drove through Wendy's on the way home. I wouldn't let him eat his until the homework, which he worked on in the car and at the doc's, was finished. At the doc's, he spent the 1-1/2 hour wait doing two sentences. ARGHHHH! Between the wait and his attitude, I was in tears by the time we saw the doc.

I'm falling asleep at my desk, so I'd better quit here. Actually, I need to hit the nebulizer first!


jlester01 said...

It was nice to see you working the meals this Sunday. Are you feeling any better since this post?

Schweers' Mom said...

Sorry about the coughing! I had to dig up the nebulizer for Grayson. He sounds horrible. We are thinking that Craig has the flu. With him traveling so extensively he comes in contact with so many germs.

Hope you are feeling better!

jhh said...

Wish I could supply a cure--for several things! I can't, so I'll have to resort to the best medicine of all--prayer.

your green friend