Due to bad weather, my bus driving test was postponed until Thursday. Despite the fog and lingering ice, I took my test and passed! My parallel parking wasn't the best, but I didn't hit the curb. That would have been an instant failure. I had practiced parallel parking one car width from the curb. They had me park from one parking place (car length) from the curb in an empty parking lot. I finally got it close enough to keep the examiner happy. I guess I didn't mess up too much on other stuff.
Our bus driver/content mastery teacher/reading lab teacher has his last day tomorrow. I'm not sure what we will do for content mastery and reading lab. I'm sure they will hire someone as soon as possible.
We had two days off from school -- Tuesday and Wednesday -- due to weather. Tuesday they were predicting ice as early as noon. It didn't hit until evening, but it hit with a vengeance! We had to pick up my son at work at 10:00 because his heater wasn't working and he couldn't keep the windshield deiced. Wednesday the roads didn't start clearing until around noon. There are still a few icy spots today, believe it or not. The areas in the shade take a long time to melt.
I'm off to enjoy my mac 'n cheese n' hot dogs with my younger son before minichurch!