Thursday, June 12, 2008


After an intense last week of school, summer school has begun and things are slowing down. Yes, I'm still working as secretary. As a matter of fact, the first couple of days of summer school had us running around like crazy, looking for all the things the teachers were supposed to have left for their students. Things like Paks (the curriculum), score keys (for the Paks), tests, and test keys. But we've gotten it pretty much under control, and the first week (of three) is under our belts. I've even begun putting together a database of next year's students. It's amazing what I can get done when I don't have to worry about lunch (and all the record-keeping that went with it)!

My work hours for summer are shorter. Plus, I get Fridays off. It's nice getting home earlier and being able to get more done around the house. My house definitely needed the attention. I just hope we can make it on the reduced paycheck.

I restarted my diet and am trying my hardest to only eat allowable foods. I hope I see some progress so that I will get some motivation to stick with it. I think the first few days are the hardest.

How do you motivate a guy who doesn't want to be motivated? I've tried praying, bribing, threatening, intimidating, coercing, breaking goals into smaller pieces, painting the big picture -- you name it. Three weeks isn't a very long time. I guess we'll see if he gets motivated to finish his work, or if he will repeat fourth grade. Suggestions welcome!

1 comment:

jhh said...

Perhaps the prospect of repeating fourth grade will be a motivator. Meantime, hope you can really relax!