Gosh, it's hard to believe it's been a MONTH!

First, I have to share my good news! Our daughter came back from a spring break ski trip with a ring! Yes, she is getting married, probably in July 2009. The date has not been finalized at this point, but we're working on it. So many dreams, so little money! That's the hard part. But we are adjusting our expectations and trying to embrace the decisions which might not have been our first choice in a perfect world (with unlimited funds!). No matter what, it will be a very special and memorable event!
Over the spring break week, I spent a lot of time thinking about the job decision. I even investigated doing medical transcription again. After obsessing over it for several days, God convicted me that I wasn't trusting Him with the matter. I prayed again that he would give me clear direction and tried my best to not think about it.
Several days after I went back to school, I started getting a "feeling". Now, I don't recommend you base major decisions on feelings, but sometimes I get them, and I can't help feeling they are from God. This one reminded me of the feeling I got about my husband after our first date the second time around. I actually was inspired to write a song, the gist of which was that God told me that I was going to love him (that guy I just went out with) for the rest of my life. Of course, then my reaction was, "You don't mean HIM, do you God?" Well, I guess he did! I had a friend sing the song at our wedding, and we just celebrated 26 years of marriage.
Back to my "feeling". The feeling this time was that I was going to end up teaching. And the more time that has passed, the more right this seems. I also found out that the school will pay all my certification fees if I contract to teach for two years, so that's definitely an answer to prayer!
Interestingly, about the time I decide that the teaching position is the way to go, my old boss calls me. I haven't called him back yet. I was at work and not in a position to talk, so I told him I'd call him back. They have bid on a contract that would give them the customer base to bring someone on -- IF they get the contract. If not, it will be months before they have the business to support someone in the position for which he was wanting me. And then what happens if they lose business? I don't know that this job would be worth the wait -- or the gamble. And several loving friends have counseled me that it would be wise not to take this job.

This week, I applied with Texas Teachers, an alternative certification program, and had my university send them a transcript. The training would be on-site over two weeks this summer, plus an additional national trainers session. My campus director was very glad to hear this! I know they will have a position for me at the school. They are trying to open a new campus in the Aubrey-Pilot Point area, which would be much closer for our current high school teacher. They have not gotten state approval to the amendments to the charter yet. Even if they don't, our midschool teacher has stated she will not be back this year, so I would be able to teach that level as I will be certified for Math 8-12. Our midschool is only 7th and 8th grades.
Throughout this decision process, I was reminded by others of several things:
- Philippians 4:6-7 clearly shows that obsession is not demonstrating faith:Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
- God cares more about who we are than what we do. Many times he leaves that choice of what we do totally up to us. However, he wants us to show Christ to others by doing what we choose in the best way we possibly can.
On the missions front, we did complete our application for Agape Flights and mail it in. We have not heard back from them yet. Our friends that have applied with them said that they will check out all our references first. Even if we end up getting accepted with them or another organization, it usually takes two years to raise the necessary funds to go on the field. Bottom line, we're in God's hands and on God's timing!
Thanks for your prayers, all my friends!