Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ready for Christmas Break!

Or, Winter Break, to be politically correct.

It's been a busy time lately, as you can see from my lack of posts. The students have been challenging lately. We had a school rep come & demonstrate how things were to go -- which was much more regimented than I usually do things. Consequently, they have been challenging my authority since then.

I've also had an ongoing battle of wills with my younger son. We're going to try to crack down on him to get him to meet his responsibilities.

I noticed my back hurting after a yoga session two weeks ago. I went to another session two days later, and now my back is worse. My doc gave me some exercises and OK'd yoga, if I go cautiously and skip the parts that hurt.

Just before Thanksgiving, I got my hair cut! I donated the ponytail to Locks of Love. They make wigs for children cancer patients who cannot afford them. The new profile pic is the straightened look. I'll get a pic on later of the curly look. I broke my camera, and Julie has misplaced hers.

The profile pic was taken from a picture of last Sunday's worship team (which explains the shiny things by my head!) With our new worship pastor coming soon, this may have been our last time to lead worship together. We've really enjoyed bonding as a team. When you have a great group of musicians to work with, you just naturally fall into your parts. Thanks to the whole team for allowing me to be a part of such talented servant leadership!


Prachar family said...

Wow! Looks good!

Heidi Day said...

That is such a GOOD PICTURE! I LOVE your hair straightened too. You look great in your new style. I will miss the music teams we have formed, too. But, looking forward to new leadership as well.