Monday, January 7, 2008

A New (Year) Start

Today was my first day back to school as school secretary. It was a zoo! We enrolled 4 new students and had several calls inquiring about openings. If they all come, we'll be maxed out on enrollment!

It was hard getting back in the swing of things. I felt like I couldn't complete a task before getting interrupted. But it was good to see the teachers, the students, and my campus director again.

I had something unexpected happen today. My project manager from my previous employer called me to try to woo me to the new company where he is working. I'm not sure what to think. This is a company that was started by a very respected coworker at my previous place of employment. However, the guy that called is the same guy that, for all practical purposes, fired me a year and a half ago. I was a temp, so I wasn't really fired -- just "no longer needed". But since he bantered around words like "insubordination", it makes me wonder why he's after me now.

As I look back on that time, we were both put under a lot of stress by those above us. And it was a weird situation, as far as chain of command goes. He was my project manager but not my supervisor, and it was unclear who I actually supposed to report to. (If he's not your supervisor, is it insubordination?) He pushed me to cut corners, which I felt compromised the procedure, if not the product as well. I questioned him one too many times. However, before those last few months, we actually worked well together, and he elevated me to positions that stretched me and challenged me.

I'm also reminded of an old adage with a twist: Fire me once, shame on you; fire me twice, shame on me.

From another angle, the money was good, and the family made the best progress in recent years of retiring our debts. Since I lost that job, we have made negative progress in that regard. Money isn't everything, but it has been keeping us back from possibly pursuing missions.

Another important aspect is how this would impact the family. William is in school now. They have after school care for a very reasonable price, but we'd also have to work out getting him there every day at an acceptable time for all. I've also been spending lots of time working with him to get him to do his schoolwork in a timely fashion. Would I have that time at another job? It also has helped for me to be on campus and chatting with his teacher on a regular basis.

This phone call was so out of the blue that I know I need to mull it over a bit before I decide anything. And just because I investigate this new company doesn't mean I'll accept an offer. But this is one time that I wouldn't mind if God dropped down a billboard with directions!

1 comment:

Heidi Day said...

Can you give us an update on what you decided?

You should wear red more often too. You looked so vibrant in it yesterday!