I don't know about you, but I hate to wait. I want to know all my plans are in place and hope that they will go off without a hitch.
I've found that's not the way God usually works.
We are planning to leave for Haiti in 2-1/2 weeks. Our trip will cost about $4000. So far, we've raised $665 (plus $50 that I've misplaced somewhere!). We feel God is wanting us to go at this time, and we've already seen His provision in several ways.
We were able to purchase the airline tickets to Haiti with savings that came from Mark's mother's estate. We'd hope to use that money to pay on debts, but at least we didn't incur more to buy the tickets. The donations we've received so far were enough to pay for our Tortug'Air tickets for our in-country flights.
The remaining money we need is for our in-country expenses -- lodging at the guest house. I'm sure we could always put up hammocks at Ruth & LJ's house and pitch in for food, if we needed to. Their house is so tiny that there's no room inside.
Please pray for me that I'll be patient as I wait on God's provision. Pray for guidance and an open mind if it becomes clear that we're to wait until another time to go. (Our American Airline tickets can be used up to a year from the original flight date.) Pray for God to open hearts to our need so that others can be a part of our trip. Pray for our safety and protection as we venture out, seeking His will for our future. Pray that I'll find that missing $50 check!
Thank you for your love, concern and prayers for our family. We couldn't do this without you!