Last Sunday evening, we had a Thanksgiving barbecue dinner at our church. (Yes, barbecue!) The praise time was awesome! There was also a time for us to share what we were thankful for this year. Although I didn't share at that time, it got me thinking. It has been an eventful year, and I have a lot to be thankful for.
- A Heavenly Father who gave His only Son that we might have life!
- The ability to offer Him praise and honor!
- A family who all trust in Christ as their Savior!
- A son who led his girlfriend to Christ this spring!
- A wonderful trip to Haiti with 11 wonderful people!
- A wedding with 14 beautiful Haitian brides!
- A fun visit with my son's girlfriend!
- A beautiful wedding for my beautiful daughter!
- A handsome & intelligent son-in-law added to our family!
- A loving mother-in-law who finished well and is with the Father now!
- A lovely daughter-in-law to be!
- A wealth of loving extended family!
- A faithful, loving and very patient husband of 27 years!
- God's provision of jobs and material needs!
So often I fail to remember just how much for which I am thankful. And I'm sure my list is way too short!
I pray God will give you, my friend, a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends and many blessings in the year to come!