Have you ever thought about what a graham cracker thinks about before becoming a graham cracker crust? Maybe it had dreams of becoming S'mores. But what happens? Pretend you are the graham cracker.

Someone comes along, plucks you out of your comfy package, and smashes you to bits!

Then you are mixed and mashed and poked and prodded and squished into places that aren't so comfortable.

But when it's all over, you are part of something beautiful and delicious!

As hard as our Haiti trip postponement was, it led to something beautiful and delicious for me today! If we had been in Haiti today, I would have missed having visits with two lovely missionary families!
I walked into church this morning, and standing in the back row were missionary friends from Haiti. We squeezed into the row with them and worshiped together. After the service was over, in spite of the fact that my house was a mess, I invited them to lunch at our house. After all, that's what true hospitality is, and that's part of what we want to do as missionaries. Even though it was hard for me, I decided sharing time with them was more important that worrying about having a tidy house.
We stayed for the second service, expecting to have a Sunday School class, but our room was dark and empty. Our son was in his class, so we went back to our church's "cafe" area to mingle and wait for classes to be over. We joined some good friends who were visiting with missionaries to Hungary. We were able to chat with the missionary family for the entire hour, even after our friends left. What a blessing it was!
After picking up our son, we headed for home. My husband immediately began working on dinner. (He's the master chef in our home!) All three of my children worked on cleaning up the living room while I cleaned the dining room. We're talking clutter, toys, dirty socks, dog hair, trash --it was a mess! By the time our guests arrived, a little before 2:00, we had tidied and swept, and it didn't look too bad. I got them a cool drink and ran to the store for a few items. When I returned, the missionary wife, who is German by birth, was chatting with my daughter about living in Germany. After a while, we sat down to a delicious, relaxing dinner! After dinner, I prepared the desert and put it on the table for a "build-your-own shortcake" time. We continued talking about weddings and missions and kids and city vs. country living in Haiti. Before we realized, it was 6:15! We had such a wonderful time of sharing each others' lives!
If our flight to Miami had not been canceled and our trip postponed, we would not have been able to even see either of these missionary families! And if our Sunday School class had met, we wouldn't have had time to visit with the family from Hungary.
I guess the moral of the story (for me) is:
When Cookie gets crumbled, let God turn it into something sweet!