My Dad lives across town, but his wife had back surgery last Tuesday. They aren't quite up for company or car travel, so we won't be seeing them until after New Year's Day. My brother & his family are coming up on January 3rd. We'll get together at that time.
This will be the first time in a few years that we have had "the big meal" at our house! It will be a nice change!
This also may be the last Christmas that we're all in the same country for a while. My daughter & fiancé are planning to go to Germany shortly after they are married this summer. He will be teaching English in German schools for the school year. After she marries, my older son is planning to enlist in the Air Force, so he could be anywhere!
I enjoyed a quiet day today: sleeping late, reading and getting chores done at a leisurely pace. It was nice. Tomorrow I'm going to redeem a 2-year-old gift certificate for a massage. I'm hoping it will help with my back issues.
My back has been much better. I went to yoga on Saturday, and I suffered no ill effects it! We might go again tomorrow night.