Good news! I got the unofficial results of my math teaching test. The range of possible scores was 100-300. Passing was 240. I got a 260! The test pointed out to myself that there is a lot that I would need to brush up on for teaching anything higher than Algebra II. But at least I passed, and now we can move on to the rest of my teacher training. In July, I'll be going for 7 days of training over a two-week period.
Allergies are better, but I've still got a cough and occasional asthma symptoms.
My hubby contacted Agape Flights, and they are beginning to contact our references. After they get back information from some of our references, they will schedule a time for us to come to Florida for an interview. They also will run a background check on us. I've led too sheltered a life to find much of interest, I'm sure. My hubby was in the military with a high level of security clearance. I think he'll pass.
The bride has a dress and a venue. As long as the venue is available, she has a date. They have decided our humble church is not such a bad place after all. It's not your traditional-looking church building, but our multi-use auditorium can get pretty snazzed up! The church has decorations we can use. And we have lots of people who will be able to help us out at low costs or as volunteers. We are truly blessed to be at Crossroads!