I was overwhelmed yesterday when I walked into the school to discover gifts and cards covering my desk! Just as I finished opening them all and oohing and aahing appreciatively, I had a class of first graders come into my tiny office to present me with a banner that they had all signed. I said my thank yous, hung the banner, and turned around to find the third graders in my office with their banner! There was also a poster in the cafeteria available for all to sign. Then a bit after lunch, my superintendent dropped by with a bouquet. I haven't felt this appreciated in a long while!
Although it's wonderful to be honored and appreciated, I was even more glad that the students had an opportunity to show appreciation for someone who serves them. So often these days, children learn to take, take, take and never give back in return.
Next year, there will be another secretary at the desk. I've signed up for my content test (over math & some teaching) at the end of May. Passing the content test demonstrates that I am "highly qualified" to teach Math 8-12 grade. In July, I'll be doing my training with the alternative certification program. In August, I'll start teaching on a probational certification. I'll probably teach high school, or possibly midschool. I'll be teaching every subject, due to the nature of our school. It is more like "group homeschooling". The students work mostly independently using PAKs, or worktexts. I'm there for assistance, motivation, and encouragement -- as well as classroom management and discipline.
I called my former boss to inform him of my career direction change. He wished me well, but I know he was disappointed that I wouldn't be available to help his company. They have a bid on a contract, but without the contract they cannot hire someone in the position he wanted me to fill. He is still uncertain when that position will even open up. Even if that was the right direction for me, I couldn't wait around for a job that might come to be.
I've been tutoring some high school students in math in preparation for their TAKS exams next week. I've really enjoyed interacting with them. I'm looking forward to teaching next year!