Lunch is dominating my life at work! Our charter school just opened a cafeteria and is serving a boxed breakfast and hot lunches. Guess who gets to handle all the accompanying paperwork and money flow? That would be me, the entire administrative staff at the school! By the end of the week, I actually got to where I could spend a few minutes on things not lunch-related. But I was glad to have an entire day to get out report cards on Friday! It was a teacher workday, totally devoted to report cards. That, coupled with 10 hours of overtime on Wednesday and Thursday nights, got our report cards out on time!
I had a visit with my former project manager. I was impressed that he started the conversation with an apology for how he treated me at the end of our time together at the former workplace. I was interested in what they were doing at this new company and wouldn't mind being a part of it. It is much more "start-up" than I expected. After a follow-up call, it sounds like he will pitch the idea of hiring me to the higher ups. Even if an offer comes around, I still will give it a lot of prayer and thought. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for me! And if I do leave the school before the year is out, I will make sure their transition will be as painless as possible. I would want them to hire a replacement and let me assist in training that person thoroughly. (Then they can un-train them when I leave!) It may be that I will finish out the school year and make a change, or stay with the school for years to come!
We have not submitted our applications to Agape Flights yet. Mark is still finishing up his. I just noticed information on their website about the loss of their plane. You can read about it here.
If you read my daughter's blog, you know this has been a challenging month for us. Sometimes it takes the challenges for us to be dependent on God for His provision. God revealed his provision through an unexpected gift that taught my daughter the humility of allowing others to bless you in your need. Yes, we have made mistakes and poor choices and will have to face the consequences thereof. But I do not regret that our children have had to learn that at times we must wait for things and make choices between needs and wants. Hopefully, they will be better prepared for life because of this.