It's been a busy week full of deadlines! First was a fund raiser -- cookie dough-- for my son's school. The second was the school picture order. The third was the Science Fair. Throw in a Monday followup visit to the oral surgeon (he's healing well!). Also, we had a benchmark TAKS test on Thursday. The good part of that was that he had no homework, being excused from his assignments to be able to work on the TAKS test. The benchmark test, if you're not familiar, is to assess the deficient skills so that they may be addressed over the year.
I'm feeling better but still have been using my nebulizer off and on and having the occasional coughing spell. Usually when taking a big breath before answering the phone! I had to turn down two opportunities to participate in worship, which is one of my passions. Disappointing, but life moves on. And God's timing is perfect.
My hubby and I made our first batch of prickly pear jelly for the year. A couple of weeks ago, my hubby harvested them, cleaned them, and cooked them to get the juice. This is the first chance we've had to cook the jelly. We experimented with the recipe and may not have gotten enough sugar and/or pectin. It might be prickly pear syrup. If so, we'll try recooking it and adding more sugar and pectin. If your interested, I can give you a jar when we get it right! (I still have some from last year, too.)
We're still getting a few e-mails from time to time from mission organizations. Sometimes I feel like we're stalling out on our progress, but life has kind of slowed us down a bit lately. And every day is a ministry, no matter what "hat" you wear. As I discussed with a friend last week, sometimes it would be nice if God dropped a billboard in front of your face so there would be no doubt what direction He would have you to go. The only problem with that "still, small voice" is that you have to be still and quiet to hear it!
I went to a cluttered spot in my living room to retrieve some things and ended up going on a cleaning tear. It looks much better, but we're still nowhere ready for Better Homes & Garden or the white glove test. But it's a baby step in the right direction.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Coming up for air

That's how I've been feeling lately. Breathing has been taking up way too much of my conscious thought. Frankly, I prefer it to be a subconscious, involuntary action. Unfortunately, I've resurrected my nebulizer, complete with medicine that's not out-of-date. And I'm hitting the cough medicine as well.
We survived the tooth extractions. Actually, he did quite well -- once he stopped throwing up. I won't go into detail lest my squeamish readers turn even greener. He didn't have much pain other than a nasty headache and tolerated his soft diet pretty well. Today was the follow-up visit, and the doc said it looked fine.
I'm still battling schoolwork with my son. If he doesn't want to do it, he just doesn't. Regardless of the privileges withheld. Regardless of the pain inflicted. Regardless of the carrots dangled. I wish I could find the right motivator. Today, I withheld food until he was finished. We drove through Wendy's on the way home. I wouldn't let him eat his until the homework, which he worked on in the car and at the doc's, was finished. At the doc's, he spent the 1-1/2 hour wait doing two sentences. ARGHHHH! Between the wait and his attitude, I was in tears by the time we saw the doc.
I'm falling asleep at my desk, so I'd better quit here. Actually, I need to hit the nebulizer first!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
From Achoo! to Cough, Cough!

A volunteer at the school graciously filled in for me today. They really need to hire her -- she's terrific! And I found out she lives in my neighborhood. She even offered to take my son to and from school, but I made big brother do the carting!

Hubby goes in for his colonoscopy in the morning. He's been on a liquid diet today. I'm going to take off in the morning to go with him and then head back to work at midday.

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