Life has been a tyranny of the urgent for me. I struggle to get over the next hurdle, not even considering the hurdle beyond that!
School is winding down, with 3-1/2 more days left. The last day is a sale for the students to buy things with play money they have earned by completing their work. Friday is a workday for the teachers, and then we are done for the summer. I am looking forward to not having to drive the bus for a while!
My daughter's car is fixed and running. Or it would be running if she were home to drive it. She went to her fiance's graduation at UT Austin, and then they spent some fun time with relatives.
My younger son is still not doing well in school. The valiant effort did not happen, and I don't think he can finish in summer school. He does not seem to care. I think he is in denial.
The Haiti team leaves in 13 days! Please pray for us! We finished our shopping today. Next Saturday we'll pack it all up. This is just the stuff for our ministry and gifts for missionaries. Our personal packing will come later! I haven't even bought any "Haiti clothes." I'm sure I can make do with what's in my closet, if need be.
The wedding will be a month after we return. We still have to order the cake, and I need to find a dress for myself. We'll also have a visitor for two weeks prior to that -- my older son's girlfriend from Toronto. I'm looking forward to meeting her!
I don't think this will be a very relaxing summer, but it will be memorable! Even with all the other things to plan and do, it will be a relief to not have teaching and bus driving on top of that! And maybe I can catch up on my sleep!